If we had told ourselves back in January that the UK would follow Wuhan in preventing the spread of COVID-19, you would think we were crazy. But here we are 4 months on since the government announced its decision to put the country on lockdown in order to protect those around us.

COVID-19 is fundamentally a public health crisis, which has had a significant impact on people’s wellbeing and mental health. But it has also generated an unprecedented shock to the UK and global economy.

Many businesses are sadly having to make redundancies or rely on the governments furlough scheme. However, it is the sheer dedication, hard work and resilience from each and every member of our team that has meant that Cameo has been kept busier than ever. Given the fluidity of the current economic state, now more than ever we have to be mindful of our customer’s needs. Our flexibility over the past few months has meant that we are continuously developing new products and services, like our new Asset Repair model, that means we are being the best channel partner we can be during these uncertain times.

We wanted to use this time to recognise some recent achievements within our business, starting with Maisie Bradley. Maisie joined Team Cameo back in November 2017 as a Quote Analyst, she quickly progressed to Account Manager in 2018. Her drive and motivation to deliver the highest standard of customer service and professionalism has truly made her a valued member of our team. We are happy to announce that Maisie will now be taking on the role of Revenue Team Leader here at Cameo. She will be responsible for managing and leading the Revenue Team, providing support, motivation and strong communication. Maisie is most looking forward to developing our company’s ‘Project One’ ethos, where no task is too daunting and there is a focus on supporting one another throughout. We wish Maisie all the best in her new role and can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Next we have our very own Emma-Beth Anthony. Emma-Beth has been with us here at Cameo since September 2018, since then she has transformed Cameo as a business by continuously building and cementing a strong sales arm for our business. Not only has this contributed to a 32% increase in total revenue and driven our customer renewal rate to 82%, but Emma has been a key driver in developing Cameos’ approach to our people, ethos and culture. Our ‘Project One’ initiative encourages us to constantly learn, grow and simply improve at everything we do and how we do it. To acknowledge her continuous efforts towards the business we are pleased to announce her new role as Commercial Director. Emma will oversee and manage the running of our sales team, quotes team and onboard new customers. She will also be part of building the business’s strategy in line with our long term growth plan. Emma is most looking forward to becoming one of the market leaders in what we do having come so far in just under 2 years.

Last but not least we have Steve Gray. Steve joined us back in 2018 as a Bid and Planning Manager. He has brought a breadth of knowledge, expertise and energy throughout his time here at Cameo. We are really excited to announce that Steve will be developing his skills in the new role of Bid and Implementation Manager. Steve is most excited about taking on this new opportunity, which will help to streamline our processes to provide the best possible service for our customers.


Finally, thank you to the rest of our incredible team here at Cameo, it is your continuous hard work, drive and outstanding customer service that allows us to be the business we aspire to be. So, here is to the rest of 2020, let’s do this!

#TeamC #ProjectOne



To find out more about how our services can help you, please get in touch at info@cameoservices.com, or call us on +44330 0584 224.